This page is devoted to giving a brief account of a rare or unusual bird found recently in Minnesota. Whenever possible, a graphic of the bird will be included. This page will be updated as frequently, or as infrequently, as unusual records occur.
Little Blue Heron in Hennepin County
An immature Little Blue Heron was found at Peterson Pond, Hennepin Co., at Minnesota Valley National Valley Wildlife Refuge. The bird was seen on a waterfowl survey that accessed Refuge land on the East side of Peterson Pond. It may be visible from the Hillside Trail at the Refuge Headquarters (call the Refuge @ (612) 854-5900 for better directions)The bird was seen around 9:00 AM on the 17th. It is a molting immature, and
looks almost exactly like the picture of such a bird on p. 50 of the National
Geographic guide. It was found by Vicki Sherry and Jesse Ellis, and confirmed by Deanne Endrizzi.Photo by David Cahlander. 1998 June 21, 11:00 AM.
Eurasian Collared Dove in Big Stone County
A potential first state record Eurasian Collared Dove was found in the town of Ortonville, Big Stone County, on April 25th by Kim Eckert and Paul Egeland. Directions: take U.S. Highway 12 West from State Highway 7 for one half mile to County Road 37, go South one block and turn east to a closed road. The dove was seen near the bridge. Photo by David Cahlander, 1998 May 3 5:45 pm.Band-tailed Pigeon in St. Louis County
In the early afternoon of August 24th, a Band-tailed Pigeon was observed at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve in the city of Duluth, St. Louis County. The bird was initially seen by birders as it perched in a tree near the main overlook. Frank Nicoletti, the hawk counter at the ridge, identified the bird as a Band-tailed Pigeon and spread the word. Unfortunately, the pigeon was seen for only about an hour. This is the sixth record of Band-tailed Pigeon in Minnesota.Snowy Plover in Polk County
A seventh state record Snowy Plover was found at the Crookston sewage lagoons in Polk County on the evening of August 16th. The juvenile bird was observed by Anthony Hertzel as it worked its way around the eastern most pond. Unfortunately, the plover was not refound the following morning.
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