Login to Minnesota Seasonal Report Submission Form

Please login:

Enter your password:

Registration for use of Minnesota Seasonal Report Submission Form

Please submit the following information to register for use of this web submission form:

User ID (name to appear on web site; could be your name or a pseudonym):
Base County (county you most frequently bird in Minnesota):
Enter a password (at most 16 characters):
Re-enter the same password (case-sensitive):
E-mail address (needed in case further information is required for any sightings):


  1. "Register" checks that userid is not already in use (if so, provides a warning message and returns here); that password entries match (if not, provide message, clear both passwords and return here); if userid is not in use and passwords match, then sends an e-mail message to the user that he/she has registered, with his/her userid and password; also writes data to users database. "Register" could also generate an e-mail to the administrator of this form. Finally, after successfully registering one is brought to the checklist.
  2. "Clear" clears all data above and returns to this form.